# Frequently Asked Questions

# Why did you make this service?

We've worked a long time in information security. A really long time. We've witnessed the benefits of exchanging security information, and the downsides of blocking information flows. We know how hard it is for Internet users to search for their own data from various services. We have friends and family who roll their eyes about infosec news and wonder if they have vulnerable devices in their own networks. We want to make exchanging security information so easy and efficient, that both home users as well as enterprises can search for their own data easily and find out if they are vulnerable.

# Is there any danger if I search for my own data in your service?

Absolutely not. Information about your personal network assets (e.g., IP addresses, email addresses) already exists out in the Internet. By searching for your own data through our service, you just search for your own assets from existing data sets published by security researchers. We could show the results for your assets as soon as you enter our site, but we decided to put the search functionality behind a button, so that we do not do anything without your explicit consent, and that we can separate users who are really interested in our service from random passers-by.

# Why is this a free service?

Some say if you are not paying for the product, you are the product. This refers to companies who provide free services for individuals in order to sell ads. This is not our business model. We want to democratize security information, and free service for individuals was always part of that plan. And of course, we hope that some of the happy Badrap users will become Badrap customers later. We have commercial services for companies, who want to protect their employees and infrastructure. We've also received private funding from the founders, ScanABC (opens new window), as well as some public funding from TEKES (opens new window). If you like the service and think we're doing an important job, please use it as much as you can and tell others about it. This helps us verify our ideas and to prove that this kind of service is truly needed in today's world.

# Where do the security researchers' warnings come from?

We've started by requesting data from a few extremely credible and well-qualified sources which we know really well. These same sources are used by many other organizations who are interested in security and vulnerability observations. We are also constantly looking to add more good-quality sources for vulnerability information. Our current partners are:

# Are you monitoring me or my networks?

Short answer: no.

You can find a longer answer in our privacy policy. We improve our service based on usage statistics, just like all other Internet websites out there. Our difference is that we continuously try to think about how we could improve your privacy even more when using the service.

A quick demonstration about this. We use Google Analytics to collect statistics about our visitors, just like other web sites. Statistics are important to us so that we can improve the service. Here's how you can prevent us from collecting your visitor analytics.

You can block our analytics by using an adblocker extension in your web browser. For instance, uBlock Origin is a good extension to use with Google Chrome. For mobile devices, you can use a privacy-oriented browser such as Ghostery or Firefox Focus. Now that we told you this, please allow our site analytics in the privacy tool of your choice and block everything else. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

# If I create an account, will you send me spam?

No way. If you want, you can request automatic notifications on any new information regarding your IP addresses or email addresses. If any new vulnerabilities appear, you will get a notification via email. We also may inform you about major updates to the service as well as new features that affect its use substantially. You can always remove any registered assets from your notifications as well as deny all email notifications completely.

# What is the data breach monitoring service (or "Have I Been Pwned integration")?

We started off Badrap by allowing you to search for security information relating to your important IP addresses. However, IP addresses are just one type of valuable network asset. We have added email addresses as another asset type that you can search for and get notified about. For this, we integrate with security researcher Troy Hunt's data breach search engine Have I Been Pwned. It allows you to search for information relating to your email addresses among publically available data breach datasets. These data breaches may include in addition to your email addresses other personal data such as passwords, home address, telephone number, etc. In addition to IP addresses and email addresses, we may also add other asset types in the future - let us know if you have some good ideas!

# What is a data breach and what can it contain?

A data breach usually contains personal data stolen or inadvertently made public from a closed database. The most typical form of data breach happens when you register for a service, the service contains some kind of security vulnerability or is otherwise inadequately protected, and your personal data is copied from the service database. Data breaches typically contain your email addresses, any other personal data, passwords, and in really severe cases even things like credit card details or bank account information. You can read more about data breaches from our instructions.

# How does the Have I Been Pwned search feature work?

The Have I Been Pwned search feature works similarly to what we have been doing with IP addresses. You register your email address into our service so that we believe you have a right to search for available security information relating to it. You may register multiple email addresses, as long as you can verify that you have access to those addresses. We then help you search for security information relating to your email addresses from available good-quality sources. Initially, we use security researcher Troy Hunt's widely publicized and credible data breach reporting service Have I Been Pwned to tell you about publically known security incidents relating to your email addresses, such as data breaches.

The Have I Been Pwned search feature works slightly differently in the sense that when you enable the feature for your Badrap user account and register one or more email addresses as your assets, we have to submit your registered email addresses to the I Have Been Pwned search interface. That service does not log any searches or store your email addresses when searched. We explicitly ask for your consent and permission if you want to enable the Have I Been Pwned search functionality. As with any other services, if you do not trust Badrap or Have I Been Pwned to handle your email addresses properly, you can simply choose not to enable the Have I Been Pwned search feature.

# How do I register multiple email addresses?

Your Badrap user account is initially tied to one primary email address, the one you provide when you create your account. When you register, we send you a verification link to that email address, and you use that link to verify that you own that address. After you have created an account, you may add other email addresses under your account. In the same way than upon initial registration, we will send a verification link to each email address that you want to register, and you must use that link to verify you have access to those additional addresses. After you register a new email address, it will show up under your user account as another network asset - the same way that happens when you register multiple IP addresses. You will also get another notification email to that address, confirming that the address was successfully registered.

# What happens if someone else tries to claim my email address?

You will always get a verification link if anyone tries to register your email address to Badrap. If you have not registered that email address yourself, you can simply ignore the verification request. If you have registered the address yourself or want to give someone else permission to register your email address on your behalf, you may accept the request. You can also opt to remove your address from Badrap completely by clicking on the "remove this email address" link in the verification email. This will remove your email address from all registered assets in Badrap, under yourself and any other user accounts that have registered it.

# Finally

We hope we were able to answer your questions above!

You can always check the status of your current IP address with any web browser without creating an account. However, by registering you can also search for information regarding your email addresses and possibly other personal assets in the future. By registering you can also get notifications regarding your registered assets, which means you will automatically receive any new security warnings by email. That way you can easily get up-to-date information on all of the different IP addresses that you use daily at home, at work, or at the coffee shop, as well as new security information relating to your email addresses.

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