# Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This app allows you to synchronize your AWS assets into Badrap and receive security notifications about them. The app needs to be installed and enabled under your Badrap user account to get started. The app fetches a list of your organization's public IP addresses from your AWS installation with your consent, and adds those assets under your Badrap user account. Below, we describe the actions needed in Badrap. We also explain what you need to do in AWS to grant the minimum permissions for Badrap to fetch the public IP addresses.

# Install the AWS app in Badrap

  1. Open the AWS app page (opens new window).
  2. Install the app.
  3. Take note of the External ID value that the app has generated for you. You'll need this later.

External Id

# Create Required AWS Role & Policy

Setting up the Badrap app with Amazon Web Services requires configuring role delegation using AWS IAM.

  1. Create a new role in the AWS IAM console. (opens new window)

  2. Select Another AWS account for the role type.

  3. Enter 808384617942 (Badrap's Account ID) as the Account ID. Another AWS Acocount

  4. Check the Require external ID option, and enter the External ID that the app generated for you earlier as the External ID.

  5. Leave the Require MFA option unchecked.

  6. Click Next: Permissions. External Id

  7. If you've already created a policy, skip the following substeps. Otherwise click Create Policy, which opens a new window. Create Policy

    1. Select the JSON tab and enter the following policy snippet into the text box:
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"
    1. Click Review policy.
    2. Name the policy (e.g., BadrapAppPolicy).
    3. Click Create policy
    4. Return to the Create role window.
    5. Refresh the list of policies
  8. Select the BadrapAppPolicy Create Policy

  9. Click Next: Tags.

  10. Click Next: Review.

  11. Name the role (e.g., BadrapAppRole).

  12. Click Create role.

# Finish the Installation

  1. Return to the AWS app page (opens new window).
  2. Enter your AWS Account ID (opens new window) into the Account ID field.
  3. Enter the name of the AWS role you created earlier. Note that the role name is case sensitive!
  4. Click Add.

# Uninstalling the app

If you want to stop using the Badrap AWS app, you can uninstall it from your Badrap AWS app page (opens new window).

Then you can clean up the app role and policy definitions from your AWS IAM console (opens new window).

  1. Under the Roles (opens new window) section, search for the role you created earlier (e.g. "BadrapTestAppRole") and select Delete.
  1. Under the Policies (opens new window) section, search for the policy you created and connected to the role (e.g. "BadrapTestAppPolicy"), and from the Policy actions drop-down menu select Delete.

That's it, you have successfully uninstalled the Badrap AWS app and cleaned up its configuration from your AWS installation.